1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Civil Society and Social Movements (2000 - 2009), Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009)


Date: 16 - 17 Jun 2008

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) hosted a seminar on the "Social and Political Dimensions of Inequality" as part of the European Research Consortium on "Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies" (INEQ).

The main research findings of the three examined parts of inequality, namely, on gender, migration, and civil society responses to North-South inequality and their policy impacts, were presented.

The seminar was attended by representatives of international organizations, scholars and NGOs.

Seminar Schedule

16 June 2008
Session 1 Migration: Impacts on Employment and Inequality in EU Neighbouring Countries
Chair: Azfar Khan, International Migration Programme, International Labour Organisation
Research findings presented by Mouhoub Mouhoud, Université Paris Dauphine
Discussant: Katja Hujo, Social Policy and Development Program, UNRISD

Session 2 Social Processes: Gender and Ethnic Inequliaties.
Chair: Ewa Ruminska-Zimny, Office of the Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Europe
Research findings presented by Laura Balbo and Natalia Magnani, University of Milan-CRISS
Discussants: Fenneke Reysoo, Graduate Institute, Geneva; and Shahra Razavi, Gender and Development Program, UNRISD

Session 3 Social Responses to Inequalitiy and Policy Changes
Chair: Vicente Paulo Yu, Global Governance Department, South Centre
Research findings presented by Peter Utting, Daniela Barrier, Edouard Morena and Jem Bendell, UNRISD; Mario Pianta, University of Urbino
Discussants: Marco Giugni, Political Science Professor University of Geneva and Hamish Jenkins, Program Officer, United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), Mario Pianta, University of Urbino.

17 June 2008
Session 4 INEQ Consortium Meeting