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World Social Work Day 2017: Social Work and Sustainable Development

Date: 21 - 22 Mar 2017

  • Time: 21 March: 16.00-18.00 / 22 March: 09.30-16.30
  • Location: Room XVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva
  • Counterpart(s): University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland – Social Work, Geneva (HETS-GE) / International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) / International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)

World Social Work Day 2017: Social Work and Sustainable Development
World Social Work Day (WSWD) has been celebrated around the globe since 1983. This year, the Geneva School of Social Work and its international partners are teaming up with UNRISD to mark the Day at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

World Social Work Day aims not just to showcase the achievements of social work and increase its visibility, but also to highlight its synergies with social development: shared commitments to social justice, inclusive development and human rights. This shared vision is set out in the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development which aims to promote social and economic equality, the dignity and worth of people, environmental and community sustainability, and the importance of human relationships.

Download the Poster of the WSWD 2017.

Social Work and Sustainable Development

This year, the international theme of World Social Work Day is “Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability” which the Geneva event will address under the banner of “Social Work and Sustainable Development”. Two events will take place around the overarching question: What can social work contribute and which competences are needed to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

See the Concept Note for more details.

Tuesday, 21 March: Round Table 16.00-18.00

Cooperation between Social Work Organizations and UN Agencies to Promote the SDGs.
Featuring 6 speakers from international organizations in Geneva.
Followed by a reception.

Wednesday, 22 March: Workshop 10.00-16.30

Social Work and Implementation of the SDGs: Challenges and Opportunities.
Speakers will include social work and social policy experts from International Geneva, from schools of social work and from international social work organizations.
Simultaneous interpretation (FR<>EN) will be available.

See the Full Programme for more details.


The registration period is now closed. You can address your request to Laura Nicollin : laura.nicollin@hesge.ch. On the day of the event please bring valid ID and a copy of this invitation to the Palais des Nations, Pregny Gate, located at 8 - 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10.

Join Us Live Via UN WebTV

If you cannot join us in person, please follow events as they unfold on webtv.un.org where they will be livestreamed. During the Round Table, we will be tweeting live and welcome your comments and questions, which, time permitting, we may be able to put directly to the speaker. Follow us on @UNRISD and use the #WSWDGeneva2017.

Some of the sessions may be available on YouTube after the event. Subscribe to UNRISD channel to find out, or contact sandoval@unrisd.org for more information.