1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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A New Eco-Social Contract for People and Planet

Date: 25 - 26 Mar 2021

A New Eco-Social Contract for People and Planet
Inequality, climate change and biodiversity loss are interrelated crises and symptoms of the need for profound systemic reform in the economic and social spheres. What is the role for citizen engagement, social movements and workers in configuring an inclusive ecological and social contract for SDG implementation? And what can be learned from the experiences of social movements working on the social and green agendas, including indigenous peoples’ rights, climate justice, gender justice, racial justice, and decent work?

The panellists discuss their visions of just and green implementation pathways not only for the SDGs but also for Covid-19 recovery, as well as the role of a new eco-social contract in achieving just, inclusive, sustainable and resilient economies.

Watch the recordings of the event:


  • Rhoda Boateng – Programme Coordinator, ITUC-Africa
  • Paul Ladd - Director, UNRISD
  • Mueda Mawanat – Senior Fellow at OHCHR (Regional Office for Southeast Asia), working on human rights of minorities and indigenous peoples issues
  • Kumi Naidoo – Founding Chair African Rising; climate, environment and social justice activist

Moderated by Najma Mohamed – Policy Director, Green Economy Coalition and Isabell Kempf – Head, UNRISD Bonn Office

→ Learn more about the speakers and the session