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2nd Development Forum for the G20: Exploring Alternative Development Strategies

Date: 24 - 25 Oct 2011

  • Time:
  • Location: EHPAD P.S.A. de Grenelle, Rue Violet 57, 75015 Paris
  • Donor(s): Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung e.V., Caritas France
  • Counterpart(s): Pax Romana

The 2nd Development Forum for the G20: Exploring Alternative Development Strategies created a space for analysis aimed at developing a conceptual and policy framework to position alternative development strategies at the centre of the G20 agenda. Input from academia, civil society and policy makers is informing these processes and policy discussions. The 2nd Development Forum critically examined the following interrelated themes.

The G20 Agenda
How does the G20 agenda reflect the notion of development, and the paradigms and strategies alternative to contemporary development theory and practice? Are the alternatives successful in influencing policy agendas and shaping development models?

Innovative Financing and Financial Transaction Tax
The first two points of the G20 agenda, Reforming the International Monetary System (IMS) and Financial Regulation, clearly point to the support for alternative ways of financing, for example, a financial transaction tax. But how can innovative financing be effectively linked to the last point of the French Presidency’s agenda: “Working on behalf of development”?

Universal Social Protection System
Since the financial crisis of 2008, there has been an upsurge of interest in universal social security and assistance, particularly in developing countries. What is the future direction of social policy within development contexts, especially in the light of initiatives such as the new international development architecture and social protection floor?

Social Policy Responses to Climate Change
Policy solutions to risks of climate change are being sought in different sectors. One of the neglected areas in these endeavours is social policy. How can social policy be utilized to respond to uncertainties created by climate change?

A Rights-Based Approach to Food Security
How can the right to food inform alternative development strategies? What is its feasibility in the light of alternative biodiverse agricultural ecosystems? What strategies should be put into place to build global governance for food security, including to fight price volatility?

One result of the 2nd Development Forum was a civil society declaration, delivered to President Nicolas Sarkozy as holder of the G20 and G8 presidencies. Both the North and South need alternative development strategies to overcome the financial and economic crisis and give people the live chances they are entitled to, according to the declaration, which specifies transformative social policy and universal social protection as essential components of such alternative approaches.

The 2nd Development Forum for the G20: Exploring Alternative Development Strategies was a follow-on from the Development Forum for the G20, organized by UNRISD and the Graduate School of Public Administration at Seoul National University on 21-22 October 2010.

For the programme booklet and the summary of the conference, use the links below.

Think Pieces
We asked participants in this event to write a series of short think pieces based on the discussions at the sessions, looking at alternative development strategies.