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UNRISD Seminar on ‘New Approaches to Poverty: Measurements and Concepts’

Date: 4 Nov 2004

On Thursday 4 November 2004 at 14:00, Professor Stein Ringen (Oxford University) and Dr José Figueiredo (ILO) gave a public presentation on new concepts of poverty and measurements. The seminar took place in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Poverty reduction is high on the international agenda and there have been various policy strategies put forward for poverty reduction such the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP). But the concept of poverty in the development discourse is not always clearly defined and consequently methods of measurement unclear. Such lack of clarity hampers poverty reduction efforts. To address these issues, UNRISD organized a public seminar ‘New Approaches to Poverty: Measurements and Concepts’ to be held in Geneva. Professor Ringen and Dr Figueiredo, two of leading scholars in this field, reviewed the current debate on poverty and discuss new researches on the concept and measurement of poverty.

  • Professor Stein Ringen, ‘The Problem of Poverty and How to Report on It’
  • Dr. José Figueiredo, ‘Economic Security: Concept and Measurement’
Stein Ringen is Professor of Sociology and Social Policy. He is also Fellow of Green College at the University of Oxford. Previous posts include Professor of Welfare Studies at the University of Stockholm and Project Director of the Norwegian Level of Living Survey. He is the author and editor of a range of books and articles on well-being, public policy and democracy, including The Possibility of Politics and Citizens, Families and Reform. Recent publications include "A Distributional Theory of Economic Democracy" and The New Norwegian Population: Ageing, Immigration and the Multicultural Society.

José Figueiredo is economist and has worked and published in the field of the relationships between labour, poverty and social exclusion. Since 1991 he has been working at the ILO, initially as Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS) and currently as Senior Economist in the Social Protection sector. Previously, he was head of research at the Brazilian statistical office, IBGE, and visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro teaching social planning.

Convenor: Dr. Huck-ju Kwon (Research Coordinator, UNRISD)

If you do not hold a UN badge, you will need to announce your attendance by sending an e-mail to peyre@unrisd.org with your contact details by 3 November. Please note that an identity card will be requested when entering at the Pregny gate of Palais des Nations.

For further questions, please contact Alexander Peyre on 022 917 29 50