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Berlin Parliamentary Presentation of "Policy Innovations for Transformative Change" UNRISD Flagship Report 2016

Date: 17 May 2017

Berlin Parliamentary Presentation of
The United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) organized a presentation of the UNRISD 2016 Flagship Report in the German Bundestag or Parliament.

Jürgen Klimke, Member of Parliament and Deputy Chairperson of the DGVN

Presentation and Discussion of the Report
  • Paul Ladd, UNRISD Director
  • Katja Hujo, UNRISD Senior Research Coordinator

Gabriele Köhler, Member of the DGVN Board

Participants at the event included German parliamentarians, civil servants, media, civil society representatives and researchers. Watch the presentation on Facebook Live (in German).

The Report

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals are a global commitment to “transforming our world” and eradicating poverty in all its forms everywhere. The report calls for radical change in political priorities to achieve this: what is needed is to put social and ecological justice at the top of the to-do list and to make the economy work for people and planet. The strength of the report lies in the evidence it builds for this argument through a wide range of case studies which show that integrated and coherent policy making with an “eco-social” focus can create more inclusive, equitable and sustainable societies. Drawing on numerous policy innovations from the South, the report goes beyond buzzwords and brings to the development community a definition of transformation which can be used as a benchmark for policy making towards the 2030 Agenda. Bringing together five years of UNRISD research across six areas—social policy, care policy, social and solidarity economy, eco-social policy, domestic resource mobilization, and politics and governance—the report explores what transformative change really means for societies and individuals.