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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

UNRISD - Sida/SAREC Workshop on Social Policy and Equality

Date: 21 - 22 Feb 2006

UNRISD-Sida/SAREC hosted a two day workshop on the theme of "Social Policy and Equality" as part of the International Forum on the Social Science - Policy Nexus(IFSP) organized by UNESCO, the Government of the Republic of Argentina and the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.

Social policy has been profoundly affected by contemporary thinking and processes associated with economic liberalization, the rolling back of the state, new public management and “good governance”. Recent reforms in many countries have focused less on the goal of universal social protection, and more on targeting specific vulnerable groups. The privatization of basic services has marginalized issues of equity, and the burden of responsibility for social protection has shifted from the state to the family and the private sector. The politics of social policy and the relative strength of different actors and institutions in decision-making processes are also changing. In terms of attempts to restructure the welfare state there have been significant variations by region or category of country. Research can play an important role in identifying the factors and contexts that account for such variations, and for understanding the ways in which social, economic, political and institutional contexts condition the content, trajectory and impact of policy reform. In this workshop, the co-ordinators of international and regional projects related to the theme of social policy and equality presented research findings, and senior policy makers commented on this work.

To read the summary of the discussions and the presentations made, please click here.
To read the joint declaration that resulted from the forum, please click here.
To read the final report of the Forum, please click here.
For the full programme please click here.

UNRISD participants
Thandika Mkandawire, Director
Peter Utting, Deputy Director
Yusuf Bangura, Research Co-ordinator
Shahra Razavi, Research Co-ordinator