1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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From Science to Practice: The Role of Research in Tackling COVID-19 and Achieving the SDGs

Date: 11 Mar 2021

From Science to Practice: The Role of Research in Tackling COVID-19 and Achieving the SDGs
Organizations in International Geneva produce a wide range of policy relevant research on how to make progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. How can we ensure that this research is received by policymakers in governments, the private sector and civil society?


  • Welcome remarks
    Samir Yeddes, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations in Geneva
  • Introduction to From Science to Practice: Research and Knowledge to Achieve the SDGs; moderation
    Maggie Carter, UNRISD
  • Insights from International Geneva on Human Well-Being and Capabilities
    Sophie Plagerson, Independent Consultant
  • Covid-19 and Vulnerable Groups: Findings from Europe
    Eva Bortolotti, UNRISD Consultant
  • Strengthening Science-Policy Collaborations for Sustainable Development
    Nicolas Seidler, Geneva Science-Policy Interface
  • Q&A