1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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New Technologies and Human Rights: Official Side Event of the 39th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Date: 26 Sep 2018

New Technologies and Human Rights: Official Side Event of the 39th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Please join us outside Room XXIII from 13:00 to 13:30 for light refreshments, generously provided by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea.

If you are interested in attending but do not already have access to the Palais des Nations, please contact Kelly Stetter [kelly dot stetter at un dot org]

New—often disruptive—technologies that combine elements of the digital, material and biological are ushering in sweeping changes to the ways we organize our societies and our lives, bringing many new challenges and opportunities. How can we ensure that human rights considerations are included in the design and implementation of the emerging technologies that shape our daily lives and interactions? How can emerging technologies be leveraged to achieve human rights objectives? And what are the limitations of the current international human rights framework in terms of accountability, transparency, and regulation of the technologies themselves as well as their impacts on human rights? Join us for an exciting conversation with experts and practitioners in the field who will provide their insights into these important questions.


Mr. Paul Ladd, Director, UNRISD

Opening remarks

  • Ambassador Paik Ji-ah, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea
  • Ms. Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR


Professor Molly Land, University of Connecticut School of Law—Roadmap for Understanding the Relationship between Technology and Human Rights Law and Practice
Professor Land’s presentation draws from her recent (co-)edited volume, New Technologies for Human Rights Law and Practice.

Professor Thérèse Murphy, Queen’s University Belfast School of Law—New Technology and Its Implications for the Protection of Human Rights
Professor Murphy’s presentation draws from her two books, New Technologies and Human Rights and The United Nations Special Procedures System.

Panel discussion

  • Professor Changrok Soh, Korea University
  • Mr. Tomaso Falchetta, Head of Advocacy and Policy, Privacy International
  • Professor Mariateresa Garrido Villareal, University for Peace (via Skype)
  • Mr. Kyu Sung Lee, Head of Corporate Affairs Europe, Samsung Electronics Benelux
  • Professor Molly Land, University of Connecticut School of Law
  • Professor Thérèse Murphy, Queen’s University Belfast School of Law

Remarks by representatives of the Permanent Mission of Austria and the Permanent Mission of Denmark, co-sponsors of this event.

Q & A

If you are interested in attending but do not already have access to the Palais des Nations, please contact Kelly Stetter [kelly dot stetter at un dot org]

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