1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Statistics on the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): Cooperative and SSE Identity

Date: 29 Nov 2021

This panel session took place as part of the ICA Cooperative Research Conference (28-30 November 2021), one of two preparatory research-based events aiming to stimulate discussions during the 33rd World Cooperative Congress from 1 to 3 December 2021. Speakers presented results from the project Opportunities and Challenges of Statistics on Social and Solidarity Economy, discussing cooperative identity and the statistics on SSE entities

It dealt with three key questions of SSE statistics : What are we going to count? How to classify entities, and how to count? The session also discussed two major approaches to SSE statistics, namely non-profit approach, and social and solidarity approach.

Speakers and Topics
  • Marie J. Bouchard (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and CIRIEC International, Canada), Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu (TIESS, Canada): Producing statistics on social and solidarity economy: The state of the art
  • Rafael Chaves (Universitat de Valencia and GECES, Spain): Producing statistics on social and solidarity economy: Policy recommendations and directions for future research
  • Barbara Sak (CIRIEC International, Belgium), Coline Compère (CIRIEC International, Belgium), Jérôme Schoenmaeckers(CIRIEC International, Belgium): Mapping international SSE mapping exercises
  • CHOI Dongil (ILO Coop Unit): Guidelines on the statistics of cooperatives
  • EUM Hyungsik (ICA): Main issues to advance SSE statistics

ICA and UNTFSSE co-organized the session and UNRISD participated as the implementing agency of the UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub