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Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Seven Case Studies and Guidelines for Local Governments

Date: 19 Oct 2020

Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Seven Case Studies and Guidelines for Local Governments
This event is part of the GSEF Global Virtual Forum:

Great Challenges, Greater Solidarity: Power of Community and SSE as a Path for Transformation

Date: 19 - 23 October 2020
See the whole programme here.

UNRISD is proud to co-host a Special Session at the GSEF Global Virtual Forum which will present the results of original research from the project Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments. Speakers will share case studies from seven cities where SSE policies have been implemented. Participants will also have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft of the Guidelines for Local Governments: Promoting SSE through Public Policies in the form of a Consultation Document, which draws evidence-based lessons from the case studies.

Simultaneous translation between English, Spanish and French will be available during this session.


  • Maude Marquis-Bissonnette — Councillor, City of Gatineau, Canada
  • Ronald Nsubuga Balimwezo — Mayor of Nakawa Division, City of Kampala, Uganda
  • Emilia Salz — Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments
  • Andrea Agostinucci — Local Economic Development Advisor at United Nations Development Program - UNDP Art Initiative.
  • Laurence Kwark — Secretary General of GSEF
  • Ilcheong Yi, Samuel Bruelisauer, Kameni Chaddha, Hamish Jenkins (UNRISD) — Presentation of the UNRISD Project Promoting SSE through Public Policies: Guidelines for Local Governments 📊 Access presentation
  • Rafael Chaves (University of Valencia) — Barcelona, Spain 📺 Watch the presentation
  • Malick Diop and Aminata Samb Diop (RACTES) — Dakar, Senegal 📊 Access presentation
  • Susan Steinman (Research Associate, Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), University of Pretoria) — Durban, South Africa 📊 Access presentation
  • Alan Southern (University of Liverpool) — Liverpool, UK 📊 Access presentation
  • Roberto Cañedo Villarreal (Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero) and Juan José Rojas Herrera (Universidad Autónoma Chapingo) — Mexico City, Mexico 📊 Access presentation
  • Marguerite Mendell (Concordia University) and Nancy Neamtan (TIESS) — Montreal, Canada 📊 Access presentation
  • Kil-Soon Yoon and Sang-Youn Lee (Sungkonghoe University) — Seoul, Republic of Korea 📊 Access presentation
  • Hamish Jenkins (UNRISD) — Guidelines for Local Governments 📊 Access presentation
  • Sara Hoeflich (Head of Learning Department, UCLG) — Comments on the case studies and the Guidelines for Local Governments

Ilcheong Yi (UNRISD)


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