1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Development, Democracy and Cohesion by Yusuf Bangura

2 Sep 2015

Development, Democracy and Cohesion by Yusuf Bangura
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book by former UNRISD Research Coordinator, Yusuf Bangura, Development, Democracy and Cohesion. The book—part of a series called Critical Essays with Insights on Sierra Leone and Wider African Contexts and published by Sierra Leonean Writers Series—is a collection of 45 essays, most of which were written while he was at UNRISD.

Development is not just an economic issue or improvements in GDP and household incomes; it is also about social protection and how power and social differences are organized and managed for the benefit of all. In this book, Yusuf Bangura uses his knowledge of Sierra Leone and Africa in general to shed light on the challenges of building developmental, democratic and cohesive states and societies. The essays—written over two decades, a period when Africa was going through major changes—draw on research insights from his work at UNRISD. The essays are aimed at the general reader, and cover a range of topics, including gendered development, poverty, inequality, natural resource governance, the Arab Spring, Ebola, electoral politics, social policy, financing development, and the ethno-regional divide and national cohesion.

Yusuf Bangura now teaches international political economy at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.

For information and orders, visit the Sierra Leonean Writers Series (SLWS) website.

"This is an excellent collection not only on Yusuf Bangura’s thought but on radical UN thinking as manifested in the UNRISD research programme."
Bjorn Beckman, Emeritus Professor, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.

"With its wide range of engaging topics and depth of wisdom, this book is an indispensable gem for scholars, policy makers, and all those who want to get their fingers on the pulse of the continent and contribute to its positive transformation."
Ismail Rashid, Professor of History, Vasaar College, United States.

"The major strength of this book lies in its ability to combine deeply insightful socio-political analysis with innovative policy alternatives and presenting these in a highly accessible manner."
Zenebework Tadesse, Former President of CODESRIA