1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Markets, Business and Regulation (2000 - 2009)

Non-State Business Regulation for Social Development

  • Project from: 2005 to 2009

Research in this area will examine the politics of regulatory change associated with corporate accountability and, in particular, the role that non-state actors are playing in business regulation through a variety of multi-stakeholder initiatives that set standards governing the social, environmental and human rights performance of transnational corporations and other enterprises. This project aims to assess the potential and limits of this approach from a perspective that considers the situation of developing countries and subaltern groups, as well as issues of democratic governance.

Involving researchers from both developed and developing countries, the project addresses both conceptual and empirical dimensions. These relate to the changing nature of regulation under conditions of contemporary capitalism and liberalization; the political economy and institutional determinants of regulation that is conducive to inclusive development; and the experience and outcomes of specific international, national and sectoral initiatives where business and civil society organizations have assumed a leading role in their design and implementation.

An edited volume comprising some 30 chapters will be prepared in 2010.

Subject to funding, it is expected that research in this area will be expanded into a broader inquiry into the role of civil society organizations, networks and social movements in business regulation.