1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Promoting a Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach to Social Development

Measurement and Social Indicators

  • Project from: 1985 to 1991

The improvement of development statistics has been an important component of UNRISD research since the early 1960s. Improvement of Development Data and Methods of Analysis and Monitoring and Patterns of Consumption: Qualitative Aspects of Development are two of the Institute’s more recent projects on this subject. Improvement of Development Data and Methods of Analysis and Monitoring critically reviewed the existing concepts, indicators and methods used in the collection of social data. The project helped to create new methodologies for data collection and it evolved and modified statistical methods of use and analysis of data. Patterns of Consumption: Qualitative Aspects of Development assessed the nature and quality of existing statistical information dealing with living conditions and consumption patterns in India, Morocco and Kenya.

Selected publications from the Institute’s early work on indicators
  1. Vol. I: Compilation of Indicators for 1970, UNRISD 1976
  2. Vol. II: Compilation of Indicators for 1970 with Adjustments for Age Structure, UNRISD, 1976
  3. Vol. III: 1960-1970 Comparisons, UNRISD, 1976
  4. Vol. IV: Notes on the Indicators, UNRISD, 1978