UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE) brings together UN agencies and other intergovernmental organizations with a direct interest in SSE as well as umbrella associations of international social and solidarity economy networks. The
founding meeting of the TFSSE took place on 30 September 2013 in Geneva.
The Task Force is a concrete result of the UNRISD Conference
Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy, held in May 2013 and co-organized with the ILO and UN-NGLS. At the conference, researchers, policy makers and civil society actors discussed how SSE can contribute to inclusive and sustainable development.
Task Force aims, activities and the post-2015 development agenda
The TFSSE aims to raise awareness and and improve the visibility of SSE within the UN system and enhance momentum towards mainstreaming the issue of SSE in international and national policy frameworks.
As the United Nations discusses the contours of the post-2015 development agenda and promotes development pathways that simultaneously foster economic dynamism, social and environmental protection and socio-political empowerment, the members of the Task Force will undertake collaborative activities that aim to:
- enhance the recognition of social and solidarity economy enterprises and organizations;
- promote knowledge on social and solidarity economy and consolidate SSE networks;
- support the establishment of an enabling institutional and policy environment for SSE;
- ensure coordination of international efforts and strengthen and establish partnerships.
The work of the Task Force will take the form of joint initiatives among members, such as producing reports and briefs, organizing events related to SSE in connection with relevant UN processes and conferences, and partnerships with governmental entities.
Position Paper
The Task Force has published a Position Paper in response to concerns that so far insufficient attention to the role of SSE has been paid in the process of crafting a post-2015 development agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. This paper illustrates the potential of SSE to address the economic, social and environmental objectives and integrated approaches inherent in the concept of sustainable development.
Current members |  | Observers* |
ILO | UNEP | The Mont-Blanc Meetings |
UN-DESA | UN Women |  |
FAO | WFP |  |
WHO | OECD |  |
UN-NGLS | TDR (Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases) |  |
UN-Habitat | UNCTAD |  |
*Members with observer status are encouraged to provide feedback and advice related to issues addressed by the Task Force.
The secretariat of the Task Force will rotate from one member to another every six months, with UNRISD taking the first turn. For more information, please contact Marie-Adélaïde Matheï at