1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: The Social Effects of Globalization

Emerging Mass Tourism in the South

  • Project from: 1997 to 1999

This project sought to investigate the socio-economic, cultural and environmental trends and impacts of emerging Southern national and regional mass tourism. The project sought to collect, examine and diffuse information on the nature, magnitude and impact of domestic and regional tourism in different socio-economic and environmental contexts, and on diverse social groups. It also sought to examine concrete attempts that have been made to formulate policy to cope with national and regional mass tourism. The analysis of policy issues was especially important as national and regional tourism are likely to involve large numbers of people, thereby presenting challenges to the concept of sustainable, ecological or “managed” tourism. The project aimed to emphasize, in particular, the need to tackle the more negative impacts of national and regional mass tourism through appropriate information and awareness campaigns and contribute to the design of adaptive tourism policies reflecting the needs and interests of domestic and regional tourists, as well as their potential contribution to local employment and national output.