1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD's Contribution to the Fourth World Conference on Women

  • Project from: 1995 to 1995

In preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women, which was held in Beijing in September 1995, UNRISD initiated an Occasional Paper Series reflecting work carried out under the UNRISD/UNDP project, Technical Co-operation and Women's Lives: Integrating Gender into Development Policy.

Two events were also organized by UNRISD during the Conference. For more information about these events, please select “Events” on the right.

Occasional Paper Series
OPB 1: From WID to GAD: Conceptual Shifts in the Women and Development Discourse, by Shahra Razavi and Carol Miller
OPB 2: The Politics of Integrating Gender and State Development Processes: Trends, Opportunities and Constraints in Bangladesh, Chile, Jamaica, Mali, Morocco and Uganda, by Anne Marie Goetz
OPB 3: From Vicious to Virtuous Circles? Gender and Micro-Entreprise Development, by Linda Mayoux
OPB 4: Gender Mainstreaming: A Study Efforts by the UNDP, the World Bank and the ILO to Institutionalize Gender Issues, by Shahra Razavi and Carol Miller
OPB 5: Trade-Related Employment for Women in Industry and Services in Developing Countries, by Susan Joekes
OPB 6: Femocrats and Ecorats: Women’s Policy Machinery in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, by Marian Sawer
OPB 7: Gender, Demographic Transition and the Economics of Family Size: Population Policy for a Human-Centered Development, by Naila Kabeer
OPB 8: The Women’s Movement and Political Discourse in Morocco, by Rabéa Naciri
OPB 9: Becoming a Garments Worker: The Mobilization of Women into the Garments Factories of Bangladesh, by Nazli Kibria
OPB 10: Female Employment Under Export-Propelled Industrialization: Prospects for Internalizing Global Opportunities in Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector, by Debapriya Bhattachara and Mustafizur Rahman
OPB 11: Genre et emploi dans l’industrie textile marocaine, by Rahma Bourqia
OPB 12: Gender and the Expansion of Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports in Uganda, byDeborah Kasente, Matthew Lockwood, Jessica Vivian and Ann Whitehead
OPB 13: “Leaving the Rice Fields, But Not the Countryside”: Gender, Livelihoods Diversification and Pro-Poor Growth in Rural Viet Nam, by Naila Kabeer and Tran Thi Van Anh