Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
World leaders have committed to transform our world and to leave no one behind in the quest for sustainable development. What needs to happen now to enable the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to deliver on its transformative promise? Which policies and practices will lead to social, economic and ecological justice? Research presented in the UNRISD 2016 Flagship Report, Policy Innovations for Transformative Change, shows that:
- breaking the vicious circle that produces poverty, inequality and environmental destruction requires transformative change that directly attacks the root causes of these problems instead of the symptoms;
- transformative change can be driven by innovative policies that overcome palliative and “silo” approaches, and promote an “eco-social” turn in development thinking and practice;
- innovative policies, which are informed by solid evidence and grounded in normative values such as social justice and sustainability, need to be forged through inclusive political processes, new forms of partnership, multilevel governance reforms and increased state capacity.

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Chapter 1—Sustainable Development and Transformative Change: A Conceptual Framework
1. Introduction
2. The Social Turn, Innovations and Transformative Social Change
3. Crises and Opportunities: The Context for Implementation
4. Transformative Change and the 2030 Agenda in a Shifting Global Context: From Innovation to Implementation
Chapter 2—New Trends and Innovations in Social Policy
1. Introduction
2. The Social Turn since the 1990s
3. New Directions and Innovations
4. Conclusions and Policy Implications
Chapter 3—Care Policies: Realizing their Transformative Potential
1. Introduction
2. Care Policies
3. Policy Innovations and Transformative Outcomes: Seeing Better Options with a “Care Lens”
4. Building Transformative Care Agendas
5. Pathways to Transformative Care Policies
6. Realizing the Transformative Potential of Care Policies
Chapter 4—Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy through Public Policy
1. Introduction
2. The Rise of SSE and its Role in Development
3. Public Policy for SSE
4. SSE and Transformative Change
5. Moving Forward
Chapter 5—Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change
1. Introduction
2. The Sustainability Turn
3. Bringing “the Social” into Green Economy Approaches
4. Promoting Transformative Change through Eco-Social Policies
5. Toward Eco-Social Policies: Implications for Policy
Chapter 6—Mobilizing Domestic Resources for Sustainable Development: Toward a Progressive Fiscal Contract
1. Introduction
2. Sustainable Development Finance and the Role of Resource Bargains
3. The Politics of Mobilizing Public Domestic Resources
4. Toward a Progressive Fiscal Compact: Resource Mobilization and Transformative Social Change
5. The Way Forward: Implications for Policy
Chapter 7—Driving the Eco-Social Turn: Governance and Politics
1. Introduction
2. Multi-Level Governance and the Coherence Challenge
3. Social Innovations for Transformative Change
4. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8—The Way Forward: Pathways toward Transformative Change
1. Which Innovations Drive Transformative Change?
2. An Agenda for Action