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Gendered Poverty and Well-Being

Edited Volume by Shahra Razavi.

Contents: Gendered Poverty and Well-Being: Introduction—Shahra Razavi ▪ Resources, Agency, Achievements: Reflections on the Measurement of Women’s Empowerment—Naila Kabeer ▪ The Gender Sensitivity of Well-Being Indicators—Ruhi Saith and Barbara Harriss-White ▪ Poverty in Transition: An Ethnographic Critique of Household Surveys in Post-Soviet Central Asia—Deniz Kandiyoti ▪ Gendering Poverty: A Review of Six World Bank African Poverty Assessments—Ann Whitehead and Matthew Lockwood ▪ Rethinking Gendered Poverty and Work—Cecile Jackson and Richard Palmer-Jones ▪ Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981–1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide—S. Sudha and S. Irudaya Rajan ▪ Gender Bias in China, South Korea and India 1920–1990: Effects of War, Famine and Fertility Decline—Monica Das Gupta and Li Shuzhuo ▪ Export-Oriented Employment, Poverty and Gender: Contested Accounts—Shahra Razavi ▪ Engendering Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities—Gita Sen
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 May 2000
    Pub. Place: Oxford
    ISBN: 0-631-21793-2
    Type: Paperback
    From: Blackwell