1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Overcoming Inequalities: Towards a New Eco-Social Contract - UNRISD Strategy 2021-2025

Overcoming Inequalities: Towards a New Eco-Social Contract - UNRISD Strategy 2021-2025 The Institutional Strategy sets out the priorities and themes of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development over the period 2021–2025. It integrates research, communications, policy engagement, results and impact—and is calibrated against the fast-moving social, economic and political context as it impacts on development. It is the product of work with a wide range of stakeholders, and takes on board policy concerns and academic debates. We aim to fill identified knowledge gaps and also to anticipate fast-evolving social issues that are not yet in the mainstream.

The global context for our work as we look ahead is incredibly challenging. While the forces threatening to reverse developmental gains are very real, UNRISD believes that today’s fraught social, economic and political context equally constitutes a real opportunity to advance progressive, innovative thinking—an opportunity to “build forward better”—to re-imagine and reconfigure how societies are organized, supported by longer-term perspectives and increased investment in public services and resilient social and economic structures.

It is in a spirit of realism, positivity, determination and resourcefulness that this document sets out our work for the next five years, organized across five programmes: Transformative Social Policy Gender Justice and Development, Alternative Economies for Transformation, Environmental and Climate Justice, and Translating Research into Policy and Practice—Bonn Programme.

→ UNRISD Strategy 2021-2025 is available in the six official languages of the United Nations : [Arabic] [Chinese] [English] [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 17 May 2021
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    From: UNRISD