1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

Social Policy in the Middle East: Economic, Political and Gender Dynamics

In the large and growing literature on economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa, social policy has often taken a back seat. It is treated as a residual, or an afterthought to economic reform, in the shape of safety nets or safeguards to reintegrate marginalized groups dislocated by the reform process. This volume brings the social back in as a central theme in the analysis of economic reform in the region.

This book provides political and economic perspectives on social policy and its evolution in the Middle East and North Africa. Chapters on Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey analyse its origins in populist or modernizing state activities, its decline in the era of neoliberalism and prospects for its renewal in a democratizing and development context.

The collection offers unique historical and comparative data, as well as a gender analysis of social policy, that will be of relevance to specialists in social policy, development and the Middle East.

Social Policy in the Middle East: Introduction and Overview, M. Karshenas and V.M. Moghadam
Social Policy and Development in Tunisia since Independence: A Political Perspective, M.B. Romdhan
Algeria: Crisis, Transition, and Social Policy Outcomes, A. Layachi
Social Policy in Morocco: History, Politics, and Social Development, M. Ennaji
The Political Economy of Social Policy in Egypt, A. Bayat
Social Policies and Distributional Dynamics in Turkey: 1923-2002, K. Boratav and M. Özugurlu
Constitutionalism, Modernization, and Islamization: The Political Economy of Social Policy in Iran, M. Messkoub
Gender and Social Policy: Family Law and Women's Economic Citizenship in the Middle East, V.M. Moghadam

This volume is part of the UNRISD series, Social Policy in a Development Context, which examines ways in which social policy can be instrumental to economic development while maintaining its intrinsic goal of social protection and equity.

To download a sample chapter of the book, please click here.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 2006
    Pub. Place: Houndmills
    ISBN: 1-4039-4165-3
    Type: Hardback
    From: Palgrave