1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Special Events (2000 - 2009)

Visible Hands: Taking Responsibility for Social Development

Too much confidence in the "invisible hand" of unregulated markets has been matched by too little understanding of the necessary relation between public policy and development. Efficient markets require the contributions of a well-run public sector. They require a healthy, a well-educated and well-informed population. And they require the social stability that grows out of democratic governance and an acceptable level of public provision.

This UNRISD report for Geneva 2000 explores recent efforts to reassert the value of equity and social cohesion in an increasingly individualistic world. Markets in themselves have no capacity to imagine or create a decent society for all. Only the "visible hands" of governments and public-spirited people can do that.

The full report is available in PDF format.

Preface and Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Globalization with a Human Mask
Chapter 2: Who Pays? Financing Social Development
Chapter 3: Fragile Democracies
Chapter 4: A New Mission for the Public Sector
Chapter 5: Calling Corporations to Account
Chapter 6: Civil Societies
Chapter 7: Getting Development Right for Women
Chapter 8: Sustaining Development
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 2000
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISBN: 92-9085-032-9
    Type: Paperback
    From: UNRISD