1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Protecting and Supporting Vulnerable Groups Through the Covid-19 Crisis

Protecting and Supporting Vulnerable Groups Through the Covid-19 Crisis
Covid-19 is hitting vulnerable people the hardest. This is already devastating in high-income countries with comprehensive and effective health and welfare systems, but it may well be catastrophic in those without, and especially in low-income and least developed countries.

How exactly are interventions to address the pandemic—by governments and non-state actors—affecting vulnerable groups?

This report presents the main trends, effectiveness and unintended consequences of policies and other interventions brought to light by a recent survey carried out by UNRISD. It also discusses good practices, as well as what more could be done to protect and support vulnerable groups now and going forward. Taken together, these unique insights can help inform the design of future policies and interventions to leave no one behind in addressing this pandemic, as well as public health crises to come.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 8 Jul 2020
    ISBN: 978-92-9085-111-0
    From: UNRISD