1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Making Public Policies for SSE Sustainable, Feminist-Conscious and Transformative: Exploring the Challenges

Making Public Policies for SSE Sustainable, Feminist-Conscious and Transformative: Exploring the Challenges
The feminist analysis of social and solidarity economy (SSE) practices in the six cases studied in the project identified a number of limitations that may undermine the existence, scope, effectiveness and sustainability of public policies for SSE. These related to (i) the ability of SSE initiatives to construct public actions (and exert pressure) for change; (ii) a disabling political environment and lack of political commitment; (iii) the nature of institutional support in place; (iv) the processes underlying SSE policy making and legislation; and (v) institutional, political and financial capacity of state institutions to act, and policy incoherence. The research findings point in particular to the problematic way in which states fulfil their responsibilities in the field of social reproduction as a structural limitation for the development of SSE initiatives. This constitutes a major impediment to the development of feminist and transformative public policies for SSE. Overcoming it will require action from governments, SSE organizations and civil society movements.

This is the third of three briefs summarizing the main research themes and findings of the project Feminist Analysis of SSE Practices: Views from Latin America and India. Social and solidarity economy has a potentially important role to play in reorienting economies and societies toward more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. Even though women play a major role in SSE activities, until very recently the interest of both academics and policy makers in SSE has lacked a gender perspective. This research project aimed to contribute empirical evidence and analytical insights to begin filling these gaps in SSE research and policies from a feminist perspective.

Read brief one of three here: Revalorization of Social Reproduction through Social and Solidarity Economy Practices

Read brief two of three here: Solidarity Practices and the Formation of Political Subjects and Actions for Change

These briefs are meant to flag ideas and contribute knowledge that can improve the quality of development debates,