1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Governance (2000 - 2009)

From Unsustainable to Inclusive Cities

  • Author(s): David Westendorff
  • Contributor(s): Adrian Atkinson, Jean-Claude Bolay, Batilda Burian, Karina Constantino-David, Jaime Joseph, Alphonce T. Kyariga, Darshini Mahadevia, Isabelle Milbert, Thai Thi Ngoc Du, David Westendorff, Sebastian Wust
  • Programme Area: Governance (2000 - 2009)
  • Project Title: Urban Governance
  • No. of Pages: 256

This volume, edited by David Westendorff, brings together a series of eight papers arising from UNRISD research activities during the years 2000-2001 concerned with governance aspects of urban sustainable development in developing countries. These activities included the N-AERUS 2000 Workshop in Geneva, Cities of the South: Sustainable for Whom?, Geneva 2000 (the Five-year review of the World Summit for Social Development) and Istanbul+5 (the Five-year review of Habitat II).

The five core chapters of this volume are country/city case studies written from the perspective of urban development practitioners assisting in efforts to achieve dignified living and working conditions for some of the most vulnerable groups in large cities of the South. The authors were asked to reflect on actual content of sustainable development as practiced in their cities and how they personally would envision sustainable development for her/his city. What efforts, official and unofficial, are being made in the name of achieving sustainable development there? What are the shortcomings of the actors and institutions that are expected to partake in realizing this goal? What steps need to be taken to move forward? The remaining articles are by researchers who have worked closely with or studied efforts by the international community to influence urban development in developing countries.

The publication is available in PDF format.

Cover, acknowledgments & list of authors
Introduction: Sustainable Cities: Views of Southern Practitioners, by David Westendorff

Part 1: Case Studies
Chapter 1: Promoting Environmentalism, Participation and Sustainable Human Development in Cities of Southeast Asia, by Adrian Atkinson
Chapter 2: Sustainable Urban Development in India: An Inclusive Perspective, by Darshini Mahadevia
Chapter 3: Metropolization and the Ecological Crisis: Precarious Settlements in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, by Sebastian Wust, Jean-Claude Bolay and Thai Thi Ngoc Du
Chapter 4: Sustainable Development in an Urban Tanzanian Context, by Batilda Burian and Alphonce T. Kyariga
Chapter 5: Unsustainable Development: The Philippine Experience, by Karina Constantino-David
Chapter 6: Sustainable Development and Democracy in the Megacities, by Jaime Joseph
    Part 2: International Trends and Actors Affecting Sustainability
    Chapter 7: Alliances in International Co-operation: A Change of Paradigm in Urban Governance?, by Isabelle Milbert
    Chapter 8: Sustainable Development for the Urban Poor: Applying a Human Rights Approach to the Problem, by David Westendorff
      Three of the articles in this volume (David, Joseph, Mahadevia) have been previously published in D. Westendorff and D. Eade (eds.), 2002, Development and Cities, UNRISD, Geneva and Oxfam, Oxford; and in the May 2001 double-issue of the Oxfam journal, Development in Practice. The rest are new or substantially revised. Research has been supported by a grant from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The editor of the volume welcomes substantive comments from interested readers, and they should be addressed to dgwestendorff@yahoo.com.
      • Publication and ordering details
      • Pub. Date: 28 Oct 2004
        Pub. Place: Geneva
        ISBN: 92 9085 048 5
        Type: Paperback
        From: UNRISD