1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Classics, Volume I: Social Policy and Inclusive Development

  • Authors: Katja Hujo, Ilcheong Yi
  • Contributor(s): Donald McGranahan, Yusuf Bangura, Ole Therkildsen, Maureen Mackintosh, Meri Koivusalo, Thandika Mkandawire, Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara, Solon L. Barraclough, Nicholas Van Hear, Yusuf Bangura, LaMond Tullis, James Painter, Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Laurence Whitehead, Dharam Ghai, Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Anthony Giddens
  • Programme Area: Research-Related Activities
  • Project Title: 50th Anniversary
  • No. of Pages: 432

UNRISD Classics, Volume I: Social Policy and Inclusive Development
For more than five decades, UNRISD has been at the forefront of international development thinking that has emphasized the importance of social policy, defining it as a key instrument for inclusive development. UNRISD’s work has shaped the international policy discourse over time and has helped to bring social issues back onto agendas. The present compilation of UNRISD work on social policy, selected from 50 years of critical research by renowned scholars in the North and South, highlights key features of the Institute’s approach to social policy and development. In so doing it also provides conceptual and theoretical bases for analysing the contemporary social turn. The approach is characterized by its normative foundation in values associated with social justice, human rights and democracy; its interdisciplinary perspective linking political, economic and social analysis; its analytical concerns about root causes, historical processes and changing social relations and institutions; its focus on politics and power relations; and its critical stance vis-à-vis one-size-fits-all policy prescriptions and practices.

Note from UNRISD Director: UNRISD Classics: Celebrating 50 Years of Research for Social Change—Sarah Cook
Introduction: Social Policy and Inclusive Development—Katja Hujo and Ilcheong Yi

Chapter 1: Development Indicators and Development Models—Donald McGranahan
Chapter 2: Economic Restructuring, Coping Strategies and Social Change: Implications for Institutional Development in Africa—Yusuf Bangura
Chapter 3: Elusive Public Sector Reforms in East and Southern Africa—Ole Therkildsen
Chapter 4: Health Systems and Commercialization: In Search of Good Sense—Maureen Mackintosh and Meri Koivusalo
Chapter 5: Who Pays? Financing Social Development—UNRISD
Chapter 6: Social Policy in a Development Context: Introduction—Thandika Mkandawire
Chapter 7: Targeting and Universalism in Poverty Reduction—Thandika Mkandawire

Chapter 8: Social Integration: Approaches and Issues—Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara
Chapter 9: An End to Hunger?: The Social Origins of Food Strategies—Solon L. Barraclough
Chapter 10: Migration, Displacement and Social Integration—Nicholas Van Hear
Chapter 11: Ethnic Inequalities and Public Sector Governance: Introduction—Yusuf Bangura
Chapter 12: Illicit Drugs: Social Impacts and Policy Responses—LaMond Tullis and James Painter
Chapter 13: Ageing, Development and Social Protection: Generalizations, Myths and Stereotypes—Peter Lloyd-Sherlock

Chapter 14: Democratization and Social Policy—Laurence Whitehead
Chapter 15: Social Development and Public Policy: Some Lessons from Successful Experiences—Dharam Ghai
Chapter 16: After the Golden Age: The Future of the Welfare State in the New Global Order—Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Chapter 17: Affluence, Poverty and the Idea of a Post-Scarcity Society—Anthony Giddens

UNRISD Classics is a set of three volumes—Social Policy and Inclusive Development, Gendered Dimensions of Development and Revisiting Sustainable Development—that bring together 50 selected essays from 50 years of UNRISD research. The contributions both highlight some of the Institute’s most influential and ground-breaking research and, through new introductions, demonstrate its relevance to today’s development debates.

Cover Art
The cover art was chosen from UNRISD's Visions of Change call, which encouraged creative thinkers from all over the world to submit artwork illustrating key social development values and themes of equity, sustainability, inclusion, and progressive social change.

De paso ("Passing") by Ima Montoya (Spain, 1963) is a painting representing migratory movements, capturing the similarities and differences of individuals within society. "This work has a positive message. It fearlessly emphasizes change, the driver that, for generations, has moved us across oceans, to advance in adverse circumstances in search of a future; the force that moves us to a more dignified and better life."

The UNRISD Visions of Change call encouraged creative thinkers from all over the world to submit artwork illustrating key social development values and themes of equity, sustainability, inclusion, and progressive social change.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 15 Apr 2015
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISBN: 978-9-290-85095-3
    From: UNRISD