1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Gender Dimensions of Livelihood Security in Dryland Areas of China (Issue Brief 1)

Gender Dimensions of Livelihood Security in Dryland Areas of China (Issue Brief 1)
There is limited understanding of issues at the intersection of environmental and climate change, livelihoods and gender, with little sex disaggregated data or gendered analysis of problems and impacts, or capacity to undertake such work. Overall, ecological and climate-related issues are more likely to be seen as problems caused in part by human action, but requiring technical solutions that often neglect household livelihood strategies. These are the findings of a scoping study carried out UNRISD together with the Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP) and other Chinese partners.

UNRISD Issue Briefs aim to improve the quality of dialogue around social development issues. They interrogate a particular topic, drawing on UNRISD research, and contribute to wider social development debates. As with other UNRISD briefs, they provide this information in a concise format that should be of use to policy makers, scholars, activists, journalists and others.

This Issue Brief was prepared by Andrea Kaufmann and Paola Cagna.