1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Environmental and Climate Justice, Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Transforming Coastal City Adaptation: From Idea to Practice

Transforming Coastal City Adaptation: From Idea to Practice
People living in coastal cities around the world face great risks from the impacts of climate change. In the developing world, these often combine with the challenges of urban development and overcoming poverty and sharp inequalities, generating a particularly difficult set of tasks for local policy makers. Adaptation measures often focus on large infrastructural measures such as coastal defenses, at the expense of integrated and inclusive solutions that tackle not only people’s exposure to hazards, but also social vulnerabilities and their root causes. This Brief introduces three key considerations for transformative policy change that builds resilience in highly exposed coastal cities.

This Research and Policy Brief is based on discussions at the Expert Group Meeting “Transformative Adaptation: Tackling the Root Causes of Vulnerability to Climate Change in Southeast Asian Coastal Cities” that was held in Geneva on 21-22 November 2018 and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

UNRISD Research and Policy Briefs aim to improve the quality of development dialogue. They situate the Institute’s research within wider social development debates, synthesize its findings and draw out issues for consideration in decision-making processes. They provide this information in a concise format that should be of use to policy makers, scholars, activists, journalists and others.