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Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Enquiry

Edited volume by Crawford Young.

In recent years the number of conflicts pitting different ethnic, racial and religious groups against one another has increased dramatically. Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry is the first of a two-volume set in which specialists on ethnic issues explore policy alternatives that can contribute to the alleviation of ethnic conflict and the accommodation of cultural diversity.

This volume synthesizes a variety of policy experiences in the areas of decentralization and federalism, ethnic preference, electoral systems, education, immigration and indigenous peoples. In exploring these policies, the authors suggest that governments must avoid the illusion of solving ethnic questions in "permanent" ways. Successful policies are those that evolve and adapt, remaining relevant through changes in societies and relationships among the diverse groups that comprise them. Concentrating efforts on building a civil community, in which core values are shared by all ethnic groups, is the most promising approach to building a durable framework for accommodating diversity.

A companion volume, The Accommodation of Cultural Diversity, include case studies of Malaysia, Mauritius, Tanzania, Spain, Northern Ireland, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. Both studies draw upon more than a decade of UNRISD research in ethnic conflict which includes nearly 30 publications to date.

Contents: Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: An Overview — Crawford Young • Decentralization and the Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity — Yash Ghai • Electoral Systems — K.M. de Sliva • Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: The Role of Education — Jagdish Gundara and Crispin Jones • Indigenous Peoples: Emerging International Actors — Rodolfo Stavenhagen • Public Policies towards Immigrant Minorities in Western Europe — Sarah Collinson • Preferential Policies for Disadvantaged Ethnic Groups: Employment and Education — Laura D. Jenkins
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Aug 1998
    Pub. Place: Basingstoke
    ISBN: 0 333 65389 0
    Type: Hardback
    From: Palgrave