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The European Journal of Development Research, Special Debate Section: The Politics of Poverty and Inequality

The European Journal of Development Research, Special Debate Section: The Politics of Poverty and Inequality
Prompted by the importance of the issue of inequality and the lack of significant debate about it within the development policy work, the European Journal of Development Research and UNRISD co-organized a special forum around key concerns brought up in UNRISD's flagship report, Combating Poverty and Inequality. This special forum contains essays by prominent academics working on inequality.

The journal is available online.

Special Debate Section: The Politics of Poverty and Inequality
1. Introduction: The Politics of Poverty and Inequality, Dennis Rodgers
2. Income Inequality: Should We Worry About Global Trends?, Robert H Wade
3. Beware the Fallacy of Productivity Reductionism, Andrew M Fischer
4. Gendered Poverty Traps: Inequality and Care in a Globalised World, Naila Kabeer
5. Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution, Yusuf Bangura
6. Reducing Poverty – What Might We Learn?, James K Galbraith
7. Inequality in Political Power: A Fundamental (and Overlooked) Dimension of Inequality, Frances Stewart
8. Concluding Comments, Sarah Cook

Original Articles
9. Latin American Urban Development into the Twenty-First Century: Towards a Renewed Perspective on the City, Dennis Rodgers, Jo Beall and Ravi Kanbur
10. Rural Household Access to Assets and Markets: A Cross-Country Comparison, Alberto Zezza, Paul Winters, Benjamin Davis, Gero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Luca Tasciotti and Esteban Quiñones
11. From the Green Revolution to Industrial Dispersal: Informality and Flexibility in an Industrial District for Silk in Rural South India, Elisabetta Basile
12. Training, New Equipment and Job Creation: A Firm-Level Analysis using Moroccan Data, Lahcen Achy and Khalid Sekkat
13. Economic Growth and Infant Mortality in Developing Countries, Akira Nishiyama
14. The New Aid Architecture in Ghana: Influencing Policy and Practice?, Kenneth King
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 30 Sep 2011
    Pub. Place: Singapore
    Type: Paperback
    From: Palgrave