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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

From Green Economy to Green Society: Bringing the Social to Rio+20

From Green Economy to Green Society: Bringing the Social to Rio+20
Will the transition to a green economy be seized as an opportunity to transform social structures, institutions and power relations for more resilient, inclusive and equitable societies? Or will it be limited to technological fixes and market-based solutions that support business as usual?

This magazine highlights key findings from research carried out by UNRISD in the lead up Rio+20. "Green economy for sustainable development and poverty reduction" constitutes a core theme in the exploration of the social dimensions of green economy and sustainable development. This inquiry draws on expertise related to poverty reduction, inequality, social policy, environmental conservation, corporate social responsibility, and the politics of social change.


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  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 28 May 2012
    From: UNRISD