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Back | Programme Area: Gender and Development (2000 - 2009), Special Events (2000 - 2009)

The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards "Embedded Liberalism"?

In the last two decades public policies have reflected a drive for accelerated global economic integration ("globalization"), associated with greater economic liberalization. The outcomes have been largely disappointing, even in the estimate of their designers. Rural livelihoods have become more insecure, and the expected growth has rarely materialized. Insecurity is also etched into the growth of informal economies across the world. Yet the economic policy agenda that has been so adverse to many people around the world has also provided new opportunities to some social groups, including some low-income women. In response to widespread discontent with the liberalization agenda, more attention is now being given to social policies and governance issues, viewed as necessary if globalization is to be "tamed" and "embedded". The contributors to this volume address key issues and questions such as whether states have the capacity to remedy the social distress unleashed by liberalization in the absence of any major revision of their macroeconomic policies and whether the proposed social policy reforms can redress gender-based inequalities in access to resources and power.

Table of Contents:

1- The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards "Embedded Liberalism"?, S. Razavi
Part I: Rural Livelihoods under Liberalization
2- The Gendered Impacts Policies on African Agricultural Economics and Rural Livelihoods, A. Whitehead
3- Gender Inequality and Agrarian Change in Liberalizing India, C. Jackson and N. Rao
4- The Feminization of Agriculture?: The Impact of Economic Restructuring in Rural Latin America, C.D. Deere
Part II: Informalization and Feminization of Labour
5- Informalization, the Informal Economy and Urban Women's Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa since the 1990s, S. Tsikata
6- Informalization and Women's Workforce Participation: A Consideration of Recent Trends in Asia, J. Ghosh
7- Informalization of Labour Markets: Is Formalization the Answer?, M. Alter Chen
8- Women's Migration, Social Reproduction and Care, N. Yeates
Part III: Social Policy and the Search for Security
9- Labour Reform and Livelihood Insecurity in China, C.K. Lee
10- Girls, Mothers and Poverty Reduction in Mexico: Evaluating Progresa-Oportunidades, A. Escobar Latapí and M. González de la Rocha
11- Gender, Citizenship and New Approaches to Poverty Relief: Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Argentina, C. Tabbush
12- Women in India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, S. Gupta

To download the pdfs of the introductory chapter, The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards "Embedded Liberalism"? by Shahra Razavi, and Chapter 11: Gender, Citizenship and New Approaches to Poverty Relief: Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Argentina by Constanza Tabbush, please use the links on the right.

This volume is available via Routledge Paperbacks Direct, an initiative that makes the best of hardback research publishing available in paperback format. The programme is intended to broaden the potential market for selected books by offering them at an affordable price for private readers, students and many developing country institutions. To purchase directly from the dedicated Routledge Paperbacks Direct website, visit:http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415956505/

To read chapters 1 and 11, please use the links under Additional information on the right.

  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 15 Dec 2008
    Pub. Place: Oxon
    ISBN: 978-0-415-95650-5
    Type: Hardback
    From: Routledge