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The Accommodation of Cultural Diversity: Case Studies

Edited volume by Crawford Young.

Does policy matter in the politics of cultural pluralism? Are there “success stories” or lessons to be drawn from country experiences? This edited volume comes at a time in which conflicts pitting ethnic, racial and religious groups against one another have increased dramatically. This book is the second of a two-volume set in which specialists on ethnic issues explore policy alternatives that contribute to the alleviation of ethnic conflict and the accommodation of cultural diversity. Seven countries: Malaysia, Mauritius, Northern Ireland, Spain, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States represent cases where cultural diversity is a basic attribute of society but where (excepting Northern Ireland) ethnic conflict levels have been moderate. Cumulatively these countries illustrate a wide array of policy approaches and all of them represent instances where accommodation of diversity has been a central aspect of government.

The first volume, entitled Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry, is also edited by Crawford Young and focuses on synthesizing policy experience in the areas of decentralization and federalism, ethnic preference, electoral systems, education, immigration, and indigenous peoples. Both studies draw upon more than a decade of UNRISD research in ethnic conflict which includes nearly 30 publications to date.

Contents: Case Studies in Cultural Diversity and Public Policy: Comparative Reflections — Crawford Young • Stability in Racially Divided Societies: Malaysia — Lee Poh Ping • The Political Mediation of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Tanzania — Aili Mari Tripp • Mauritius: Cultural Accommodation in a Diverse Island Polity — Monique Dinan, Vidula Nababsing and Hansraj Mathur • Public Policy and Ethnic Conflict Regulation: Trinidad and Tobago — Ralph R. Premdas • Northern Ireland: Beyond the Time of Troubles? — John Darby • Spain: Political Autonomy and Ethnic Accommodation — Gurutz Jaurequi • Race, Religion, Ethnicity and the Civic Culture in the United States — Lawrence H. Fuchs
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 May 1999
    Pub. Place: Basingstoke
    ISBN: 0 33376 307 6
    Type: Hardback
    From: Palgrave