1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: The Social Effects of Globalization

Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe: Institutions, Property Relations and Social Interests

This book focuses not only on economic and political transformation since the demise of communism in Eastern and Central Europe, but also on the relationships between economic organization, social patterns and institutional change.

The changes in political structure and policies of economic reform have in turn resulted in changes in social institutions and patterns of social relations. The authors look at social relations under the old regimes to understand the current social transformation. They consider economic restructuring both in the context of social change and in terms of its consequences for society, using case studies from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The impact of economic changes on new forms of institutional arrangements, social patterns and organization are also discussed taking into account privatization, employment, social welfare, property and industrial relations.

Contents: Preface, 1. Introduction, 2. The State-Managed Economy and Social Relations under the Old Regimes, 3. Three Paths of Development of the State-Managed Economy, 4. Paths of Extrication, 5. The Contested Politics of Property Relations, 6. Transformation and Institutional Change, 7. Inequality, Poverty and Unemployment, 8. Towards a New System of Industrial Relations, 9. Property Ownership and Enterprise Participation, 10. Problems and Prospects, Bibliography, Index
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1999
    Pub. Place: Northampton
    ISBN: 1 85898 427 0
    Type: Hardback
    From: Edward Elgar Publishing