1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Classics, Volume II: Gendered Dimensions of Development

  • Authors: Shahra Razavi, Silke Staab
  • Contributor(s): Henrietta Moore, Diane Elson, Ann Whitehead, Dzodzi Tsikata, Ruth Pearson, Jyotsna Jha, Ramya Subrahmanian, Maxine Molyneux, Anne Marie Goetz, Debbie Budlender, Francie Lund, Gail Omvedt, Elizabeth Jelin, Carol Miller, Rosalind P. Petchesky, Naila Kabeer, Gita Sen
  • Programme Area: Research-Related Activities
  • Project Title: 50th Anniversary
  • No. of Pages: 466

UNRISD Classics, Volume II: Gendered Dimensions of Development
UNRISD's research over the last half century has lent a voice to those who believe that sustainable development, social justice and gender equality are more than a pipe dream. At a moment where a "new" global consensus is in the making, UNRISD research on gender and development provides important insights for those who believe that it is necessary to push the boundaries of political discourse beyond its current focus on economic growth and poverty reduction toward a broader understanding of development that includes human well-being, equity, sustainability, democratic governance and social justice.

Foreword: No Shortcuts to Realizing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment—Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
Note from UNRISD Director: UNRISD Classics: Celebrating 50 Years of UNRISD Research for Social Change—Sarah Cook
Introduction: Gendering Development, Engendering Change: Past Research and Present Challenges—Silke Staab and Shahra Razavi

Chapter 1: Is There a Crisis in the Family?—Henrietta Moore (1994)
Chapter 2: Gender Justice, Human Rights and Neoliberal Economic Policies—Diane Elson (2002)
Chapter 3: Policy Discourses on Women’s Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Implications of the (Re)turn to the Customary—Ann Whitehead and Dzodzi Tsikata (2003)
Chapter 4: Globalization, Export-Oriented Employment and Social Policy: Gendered Connections—Shahra Razavi and Ruth Pearson (2004)
Chapter 5: Secondary Education in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh: Gender Dimensions of State Policy and Practice—Jyotsna Jha and Ramya Subrahmanian (2006)
Chapter 6: Mothers at the Service of the New Poverty Agenda: The PROGRESA/Oportunidades Programme in Mexico—Maxine Molyneux (2006)
Chapter 7: Governing Women or Enabling Women to Govern: Gender and the Good Governance Agenda—Anne Marie Goetz (2008)
Chapter 8: South Africa: A Legacy of Family Disruption—Debbie Budlender and Francie Lund (2012)
Chapter 9: Why Care Matters for Social Development—UNRISD (2010)

Chapter 10: Women in Popular Movements: India and Thailand during the Decade for Women—Gail Omvedt (1986)
Chapter 11: Citizenship and Identity: Final Reflections—Elizabeth Jelin (1990)
Chapter 12: From WID to GAD: Conceptual Shifts in the Women and Development Discourse—Shahra Razavi and Carol Miller (1995)
Chapter 13: Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist Engagement with Development Institutions—An Introduction—Carol Miller and Shahra Razavi (1998)
Chapter 14: Reproductive and Sexual Rights: Charting the Course of Transnational Women’s NGOs—Rosalind P. Petchesky (2000)
Chapter 15: The Conditions and Consequences of Choice: Reflections on the Measurement of Women’s Empowerment—Naila Kabeer (1999)
Chapter 16: The Quest for Gender Equality—Gita Sen (2006)

UNRISD Classics is a set of three volumes—Social Policy and Inclusive Development, Gendered Dimensions of Development and Revisiting Sustainable Development—that bring together 50 selected essays from 50 years of UNRISD research. The contributions both highlight some of the Institute’s most influential and ground-breaking research and, through new introductions, demonstrate its relevance to today’s development debates.

Cover Art
The cover art was chosen from UNRISD's Visions of Change call, which encouraged creative thinkers from all over the world to submit artwork illustrating key social development values and themes of equity, sustainability, inclusion, and progressive social change.

The cover art for Volume II of the UNRISD Classics, The Silent One by Dubai-based artist Sana Jamlaney (India) is part of a series of four paintings. "I paint portraits of the society I live in," she says, "it is impossible not to be affected by and respond to it. The topics highlighted by UNRISD resonated with me. They evoked many themes and issues I grapple with on a regular basis, in both my daily life and my artwork."

With each painting in this series the artist has aimed to portray a segment of society in contemporary India, a multifaceted perspective of women with a strong voice, but one which may be silenced by social structures. Says Jamlaney: "This series doesn’t just discuss the circumstances that befall these women, but also articulates the fact that these women’s plight often falls on deaf ears; in their own homes, in the government, and in institutions constructed by their own society." UNRISD has selected this vibrant, energetic, powerful work to convey the importance of giving expression to the unheard, ignored, excluded voices.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 15 Apr 2015
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISBN: 978-9-290-85093-9
    From: UNRISD