1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Discours et réalités des politiques participatives de gestion de l'environnement: Le cas du Sénégal

Edited volume by Peter Utting and Ronald Jaubert and published in association with the Institut universitaire d'études du développement (IUED).

This volume, in French (with the opening chapter also in English), addresses whether recent discourse about people-centred conservation in governmental and international development agencies has actually been applied in practice. It finds that “participatory conservation” has had a very patchy record and confronts serious constraints. While noting that there has been some progress in terms of consensual policy-making and greater policy coherency, doubts are raised about the sustainability of these developments given the fact that they are largely donor-driven and that international thinking and approaches to conservation and development frequently change. Decentralizing responsibility for natural resource management has also proved difficult. A case study from central Senegal reveals that decentralization can in fact create new sites of power and patronage, strengthen social divisions and result in the misappropriation of resources. Such findings lend weight to calls for decentralization to go hand in hand with efforts to improve governance.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1998
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISBN: 92 9085 020 5
    Type: Paperback
    From: UNRISD