1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Gender and Development (2000 - 2009), Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

Land Tenure Reforms and Women’s Land Rights: Recent Debates in Tanzania (Draft)

This report is an account of the politics and processes of the recent land tenure reforms in Tanzania. It examines the various stages and outcomes of the land tenure reform, the issues which formed the subject of debate, the protagonists in these debates and their positions and strategies. The gender and land debate is discussed in much more detail and situated within the broader questions of land tenure. This exercise provides some insights into the positions of women lawyers, social science researchers and other NGO activists not only on land, but also on broader issues of law reform and the place of legislation, how to address discrimination under customary law, the implications of the larger developmental paradigm for gender equity as well as what these positions imply for strategic alliances within civil society and the State. The Tanzania case is then discussed in the light of the general debates around land tenure reforms in Africa.

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