1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Environment, Sustainable Development and Social Change

Social Change and Conservation: Environmental Politics and Impacts of National Parks and Protected Areas

Edited volume by Krishna B. Ghimire and Michel P. Pimbert.

Protected areas tend to be established, and conservation policies implemented, with nature and wildlife in mind. Yet these initiatives can have far-reaching consequences for local people as well, often undermining their access to resources and their livelihoods. This book discusses the current trends in protected area management, and shows how local people have been affected. Drawing on case studies from Africa, Asia, Central Asia, Europe and North America, it points out that the loss of secure livelihoods threatens conservation, as poverty and environmental degradation intensifies around protected areas. The authors argue that failure to respect social justice not only creates economic misery and conflict, but also makes it difficult to mobilize local participation for conservation. In conclusion, they call for a thorough overhaul of current conservation thinking and practice.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1997
    Pub. Place: London
    ISBN: 1 85383 410 6
    Type: Paperback
    From: Earthscan