1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Civil Society and Social Movements (2000 - 2009)

Land Reform and Peasant Livelihoods: The Social Dynamics of Rural Poverty and Agrarian Reform in Developing Countries

Edited volume by Krishna Ghimire.

This book offers a critical analysis of the performance of land reform programmes around the world. The contributors note that there is consensus on the need for reforming land tenure systems in developing countries. A few powerful landowners, including transnational corporations engaged in environmentally unsustainable farming, have control over much of the fertile land. However, while national and international bodies, as well as NGOs agree about the need for action, they vary in their approaches to the problem. The contributors examine the reasons for success and failure of past reform efforts, and review the repercussions of the market-orientated approach to land reform linked to structural adjustment policies. They argue that a flexible approach to reform is the most appropriate strategy toward alleviating rural poverty, and that comprehensive land redistribution is key to rural livelihood improvements.

Contents: Land Reform at the End of the Twentieth Century: An Overview of Issue, Actors and Processes—Krishna B. Ghimire • The Role of the State and Other Actors in Land Reform—Solon L. Barraclough • Peasant Initiatives in Land Reform in Central America—Eduardo Baumeister • Technology and Globalization: Modern-Era Constraints on Local Initiatives for Land Reform—Peter Dorner • The Political Economy of Market-Based Land Reform—M. Riad El-Ghonemy • Peasant’s Pursuit of Outside Alliances and Legal Support in the Process of Land Reform—Krishna B. Ghimire • Peasant Mobilization for Land Reform: Historical Case Studies and Theoretical Considerations—Gerrit Huizer • The Role of Peasants’ Organizations in Managing Agrarian Conflict—José Noel D. Olano
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 2001
    Pub. Place: Colchester
    ISBN: 1 85339 527 7
    Type: Paperback
    From: ITDG Publishing