1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Les Monnaies Sociales et Complémentaires dans les Dynamiques Territoriales: Potentialités, Impacts, Limites et Perspectives (Draft)

This text examines, on the one hand, the potential and impacts of complementary currencies (CC) in terms of sustainable territorial development, based on two case studies of the SOL Alpin (France) and Accorderie (Quebec). On the other hand, in a prospective approach, it suggests a monetary arrangement enabling the promotion of sustainable development by underlining the monetary conditions of the transition to a new model of development. To assess the potential and impacts of CC, an evaluation grid was constructed, combining sustainable development and territorial economy from approaches to strong sustainability in a bioeconomic perspective. Applying the grid to two case studies reveals three potential impacts of complementary currencies in relation to the challenges of sustainable territorial development: the territorialization of economic, social and political activities; the revitalization and stimulation of exchange; and modifying practices, values and social representations.

Marie Fare is Researcher at Laboratoire Triangle (CNRS UMR 5206). Her research interests include the study of complementary and community currencies, territorial development and sustainable development.