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Conference Report: Advancing the Social Agenda: Two Years After Copenhagen

Report of the UNRISD International Conference and Public Meeting, Geneva, 9-10 July 1997

In March 1995, participants in the World Summit for Social Development recognized the growing seriousness of poverty, unemployment and social disintegration in the contemporary world, and endorsed an ambitious and comprehensive Programme of Action that outlined various approaches to addressing these problems. Some approaches involved increasing or re-allocating public funds towards social development goals, and reforming public institutions. Others implied stimulating the creativity of citizens at the local or national level, and fostering an "enabling environment" that might allow their initiative to prosper.

The conference "Advancing the Social Agenda: Two Years after Copenhagen", held on 9-10 July 1997 in Geneva, marked another step in UNRISD's efforts to maintain international attention on the issues and commitments made at the Social Summit. It was organized to coincide with the meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and was attended by a large audience of government delegates and representatives of United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the diplomatic and academic communities. Its six main sessions were designed to explore promising approaches to some key issues of social cohesion.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Nov 1997
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISSN: 1020-1092
    From: UNRISD