UNRISD is playing an advisory role as a partner in VoiceIt, an integrated research-action project that aims to enhance the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people's voices, rights and concerns in political decision-making processes in Cyprus, Greece and Italy. The Institute brings its long-standing expertise on gender, inequality, political decision making and participation, and social and political inclusion, to the project -- linking it to global debates on LGBTQI+ rights and leaving no one behind in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, and drawing lessons from the project for the Global South.
This report provides insights on the national situations, as depicted by the VoiceIt research results, and the existing legal frameworks of LGBTQI+ rights in
Cyprus and
Italy. Based on the findings of the research it also introduces recommendations for EU and national policy reform. The involvement of LGBTQI+ people, government officials, representatives of political institutions and the general public allows a more cohesive mapping of the national situations, while their inputs inform the recommendations on policy reform, providing different views and perspectives.
Reports from this project are available in English, Greek, Italian and Turkish in the VoiceIt Library (select your language top right).
Learn more about the VoiceIt project.

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