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Conference News: Improving Knowledge on Social Development in International Organizations II

This is the report of the second UNRISD seminar for high-level United Nations officials engaged in research on social development. With this seminar series, UNRISD aims to improve the flow of information among these officials by bringing them together in an informal setting to engage in substantive discussion on the current research programmes of key UN agencies, and to consider how these efforts are contributing to an improvement in understanding of important development issues. Over the longer term, the Institute’s initiative should enhance the coherence of the position of the United Nations on social development, and reinforce the collective capacity of the UN system to influence the global economic and social agenda toward greater social justice.

Recent United Nations world conferences, such as World Summit for Social Development (1995) and Millennium Summit (2000) have reintroduced concerns for social justice and equity into development debates. The theme of the UNRISD seminar this year, globalization and inequality, was thus apposite. Four experts from outside the UN system presented papers commissioned by UNRISD on this theme. The first analysed changing patterns of resource distribution within the global system, the second explored the sources of neoliberal globalization, and the other two reviewed different approaches to the analysis of globalization, liberalization and inequality within and outside the United Nations system.

This issue of Conference News provides a summary and analysis of the proceedings. Use the links on the right to open the PDF file or to receive it via email.

The report of the first seminar (7–8 November 2000, Bellagio, Italy ) is also available as an issue of UNRISD Conference News: Improving Knowledge on Social Development in International Organizations. For further information on both seminars, please consult the Events section of the site.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 20 Jan 2003
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISSN: 1020-8054
    From: UNRISD