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Conference Report: Volunteer Contributions to Social Integration at the Grassroots: An Urban or Pavement Dimension

Report of the UNV/UNRISD Workshop, Cyprus, 20-25 November 1994

Community organizers and activists, NGO representatives and researchers from 16 major cities of the North and South met in Cyprus to hold a workshop on Volunteer Contributions to Social Integration at the Grassroots: An Urban or Pavement Dimension. Participants in the workshop reviewed case studies, exchanged experiences and made recommendations on how community-led responses to grave urban social problems could more forcefully and sustainably improve the conditions of life for the vulnerable and marginalized residents of large cities, as well as providing alternative and potentially more successful approaches to social problems in general.The workshop was designed to contribute to the forthcoming World Summit for Social Development and establish a network to carry forward joint research and action to forge solutions to such problems as violence, discrimination, homelessness, drug abuse, disease and degraded environment as they occur in large cities.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1994
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    From: UNRISD