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Back | Programme Area: Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Social and Solidarity Economy: A New Path to Sustainable Development (Beyond 2015 Brief No. 5)

Social and Solidarity Economy: A New Path to Sustainable Development (Beyond 2015 Brief No. 5)
Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is an approach to development that addresses the structural causes of poverty and unsustainable development associated with market-centred growth strategies and skewed power relations. It encompasses a broad and diverse range of organizations and enterprises that have explicit social and often environmental objectives. How can SSE approaches enrich debates on a new development paradigm beyond 2015?

This brief was prepared by Joannah Caborn Wengler and Peter Utting.

UNRISD’s "Beyond 2015" Briefs contribute research-based insight and analysis to the dialogue around the post–MDG development agenda. They highlight key information in a concise format, with references to further in-depth reading, useful to policy makers, activists and academics alike.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 20 Mar 2014
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISSN: 2307-0013
    From: UNRISD/UN Publications