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Women's Employment in the Textile Manufacturing Sectors of Bangladesh and Morocco

Edited volume by Carol Miller and Jessica Vivian, published in co-operation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The current emphasis on trade liberalization and economic restructuring will affect many countries that have a large female workforce in labour-intensive industries. Given the limits imposed on productivity by low-skill, labour-intensive strategies, increasing competitiveness must come in large part from technological upgrading and increasing labour productivity. The challenge in Bangladesh and Morocco, as in many other countries, is to make the transition to higher wage, higher productivity employment without substituting male workers, and more socially privileged female workers, for the existing female workforce that is drawn from lower income households. The role of public policy is going to be critical in this context.

The book is available in PDF format.

1: Introduction - S. Razavi and J. Vivian
2: Wage discrimination by gender in Morocco’s, urban labour force: Evidence and implications for industrial and labour policy - S. Belghazi with S. Baden
3: Gender and employment in Moroccan textile industries - R. Bourqia
4: Gender dimensions of labour migration in Dhaka city’s formal manufacturing sector - R. Afsar
5: Becoming a garment worker: The mobilization of women into the garment factories of Bangladesh - N. Kibria
6: Trade unions, gender issues and the ready-made garment industry of Bangladesh - S. Khan
7: Female employment under export-propelled industrialization: Prospects for internalizing global opportunities in the apparel sector in Bangladesh - D. Battacharya and M. Rahman
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 8 Oct 2002
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    ISBN: 92 9085 039 6
    Type: Paperback
    From: UNRISD