1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Back | Programme Area: Social Policy and Development (2000 - 2009)

Welfare Regime, Social Protection and Poverty Reduction (Country case study: Botswana) (Draft)

This paper discusses the role of social welfare regime in reducing poverty in Botswana. It begins by examining the evolution of social protection from the pre-colonial era to present-day Botswana. The paper demonstrates that social protection schemes have always been part and parcel of Batswana economic and social structure. The analysis unravels the relationship between a country’s social policy, development strategy and poverty. It reviews national strategies and policies aimed at eradicating poverty. It highlights the role of social protection and poverty reduction by providing a comprehensive description of social protection schemes currently implemented in the country. The paper also describes how programmes such as the Workman’s Compensation, Maternity Benefits and Health Insurance Scheme contribute to poverty alleviation.
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  • Pub. Date: 17 Nov 2010