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Seen, Heard and Counted: Rethinking Care in a Development Context

Seen, Heard and Counted: Rethinking Care in a Development Context
With two decades of research behind it, the "invisible economy" of care is a critical area of scientific enquiry and policy action. However, far from being global, much of the public debate has been limited to advanced industrialized countries.

Meanwhile, governments in developing countries—where economic restructuring raises perennial concerns about social reproduction, and women's increasing burdens of unpaid care work—are experimenting with new ways of responding to care needs in their societies.

Contributors from a wide range of backgrounds extend our understanding of the care economy in the developing world at a moment when existing systems are under strain and new ideas are coming into focus. Empirically grounded case studies of countries as diverse as China, Nicaragua, India and South Africa shed new light both on existing care arrangements and changing policies. This book offers important insights about what it will mean to provide dignified care in the twenty-first century.


1. Rethinking Care in a Development Context: An Introduction, Shahra Razavi
2.The Good, the Bad and the Confusing: The Political Economy of Social Care Expansion in South Korea, Ito Peng
3. South Africa: A Legacy of Family Disruption, Debbie Budlender and Francie Lund
4. Harsh Choices: Chinese Women’s Paid Work and Unpaid Care Responsibilities under Economic Reform, Sarah Cook and Xiao-yuan Dong
5. A Widening Gap? The Political and Social Organization of Childcare in Argentina, Eleonor Faur
6. Who Cares in Nicaragua? A Care Regime in an Exclusionary Social Policy Context, Juliana Martínez Franzoni and Koen Voorend
7. A Perfect Storm?Welfare, Care, Gender and Generations in Uruguay, Fernando Filgueira, Magdalena Gutiérrez and Jorge Papadópulos
8. Stratified Familialism: The Care Regime in India through the Lens of Childcare, Rajni Palriwala and Neetha N.
9. Putting Two and Two Together? Early Childhood Education, Mothers’ Employment and Care Service Expansion in Chile and Mexico, Silke Staab and Roberto Gerhard
10. Going Global: The Transnationalization of Care, Nicola Yeates

This collection of articles was published in 2011 as a special issue of Development and Change (Vol. 42, No. 4).

To read an excerpt of the book, please click here.
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 25 Apr 2012
    Pub. Place: London
    ISBN: 978-1444361537
    Type: Paperback (also available as an ebook)
    From: Wiley Blackwell