1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World (Arabic edition)

Based on the findings of UNRISD ongoing gender research and over 60 specially commissioned studies, the report’s analysis is centred on the economic and political reforms of the 1990s. If most of these reforms did not directly address gender equality, they nevertheless received considerable scrutiny from a gender perspective. And whatever their intentions, they had significant and mixed implications for gender relations and women’s well-being.

As its title alludes, achieving gender equality and gender justice will be very difficult in a world that is increasingly unequal. The report presents strong arguments for why gender equality must be placed at the core of efforts to reorient the development agenda. Indeed, if some of the key contemporary challenges (economic growth and structural transformation, equality and social protection, and democratization) are to be met, this is essential.

The full report is available, by chapters, in PDF format.

Contents, acknowledgements and preface (Arabic edition, 5.3 Mb)
Overview (Arabic edition, 8.6 Mb)
Chapter 1 - After Beijing: Uneven progress in an unequal world (Arabic edition, 9 Mb)

Section 1: Macroeconomics, well-being and gender equality
Chapter 2 - Liberalization and deregulation: The route to gender equality? (Arabic edition, 4.8 Mb)
Chapter 3 - Liberalization, labour markets and women’s gains: A mixed picture (Arabic edition, 7.5 Mb)
Chapter 4 - Consolidating women’s gains: The need for a broader policy agenda (Arabic edition, 6.7 Mb)

Section 2: Women, work and social policy
Chapter 5 - The feminization and informalization of labour (Arabic edition, 11 Mb)
Chapter 6 - The changing terms of rural living (Arabic edition, 9.7 Mb)
Chapter 7 - Cross-border migration of workers (Arabic edition, 6.8 Mb)
Chapter 8 - The search for a new social policy agenda (Arabic edition, 8.5 Mb)

Section 3: Women in politics and public life
Chapter 9 - Women in public office: A rising tide (Arabic edition, 9.4 Mb)
Chapter 10 - Women mobilizing to reshape democracy (Arabic edition, 6.8 Mb)
Chapter 11 - Gender and “good governance” (Arabic edition, 6.6 Mb)
Chapter 12 - Decentralization and gender equality (Arabic edition, 5.5 Mb)

Section 4: Gender, armed conflict and the search for peace
Chapter 13 - The impacts of conflict on women (Arabic edition, 12.1 Mb)
Chapter 14 - After conflict: Women, peace building and development (Arabic edition, 11.5 Mb)

Concluding remarks (Arabic edition, 2.5 Mb)
Bibliography, acronyms and annex (Arabic edition, 7.5 Mb)
  • Publication and ordering details
  • ISBN: 9775981042
    From: Meric