1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Women in Popular Movements: India and Thailand during the Decade of Women

This short book presents the results of a study in two countries of Asia. Focusing on the development of women’s movements in India, and to some extent in Thailand, the author places the origins and performance of the movements in the context of class differentiation and state power, and illustrates how their emergence is to a large degree conditioned by wider transformations taking place in society as a whole. Among the latter, the author gives particular attention to the expansion of capitalist forms of production, which led to mass male out-migration from rural areas in India, and the author notes as well the significance of political change toward authoritarian governments in both Thailand and India during the Emergency period.

Contents: Prologue by Maxine Molyneux – Introduction – India – Thailand – Conclusions: Fourth World Feminism
  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 1 Jan 1986
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    Type: Paperback
    From: UNRISD